The culture at Core is one of the most important things to us. We believe that protecting that culture and continuing to cultivate it makes our company as successful as it can be.

As mentioned in our about page, our team consists of mainly senior-level people who love what they do. In addition to these senior team members, we have some junior employees that bring a new perspective and are able to leverage the knowledge of our senior team members as they grow. The partnership we push for within our company allows us to deliver a great product/result every time – it also allows for our people to continue to grow together as they work through their projects. The bottom line… we understand that in order for our company to succeed, we encourage our people to grow in all aspects, as that in turn continues to grow our company.

With that being said, we are always looking for great people who want to learn and have a desire to push the boundaries a bit. We, at Core, are always in pursuit of our client’s best interests (our people and our methodology for success are the reason our clients put their trust in us). If you feel like this type of team would suit you, send us a message on our contact form with a rundown on your skill set and background – then we’ll get in touch!

** we are also always looking for strategic partners as well – additional consultant groups, etc. – remember, our goal is to support our client’s needs as best as possible and there is very little we will not do to achieve that.
