CORE Services Group, LLC is a professional services organization specializing in all things Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). CORE was established in 2001 and has operated in and served the West Michigan area, as well as non-local regions (China, Ohio, Florida and more). We help our clients take advantage of applications and services that help automate and simplify typical business operations and transactions. This includes integrating applications with new or legacy business systems that together will form a single, cohesive solution. From strategy to configuration to implementation, we combine our business knowledge with technology expertise to create solutions that bring real, tangible, and innovative business value to our clients. Our package software implementation methodology provides reliable, repeatable success. Project success is proof of why our motto is “Solution Delivered.”
CORE has a great mix of both business and technical talent. A position at Core Services Group LLC is hard won. We are staffed with only the most seasoned professionals.
Superior execution driven by client strategy and requirements.